Grand Ledge Public School

Grand Ledge; Eaton County, MI


The Grand Ledge Public Schools owns and operates Underground Storage Tank (UST) systems at its bus garage/maintenance facility. These UST systems required updating to reduce future liabilities associated with regulated substance releases to the environment.



UST removal oversight

Part 211 closure assessment sampling

Part 213 subsurface soil boring performance and monitoring

Soil and groundwater sampling and analyses

Groundwater data review and interpretation

Horizontal/vertical elevation control

Technical reporting

Paperwork processing to qualify the site for corrective action reimbursement through the State of MI’s MUSTA program


The UST systems had reached an age where more reliable refueling systems were needed. The facility’s diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline systems were removed in February of 2020, and ERG performed Part 211 closure assessment sampling. The Part 211 sampling results indicated unleaded gasoline had been released to the subsurface which constituted the need to file a Part 211 confirmed release. The facility is currently a Part 213 leaking UST facility at which ERG completed Part 213 assessment activities and submitted a Part 213 Closure Report to EGLE in August 2020. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) reviewed ERG’s Closure Report and requested additional assessment activities in February 2021 and one year of quarterly groundwater sampling at the facility. ERG is currently in the closing stages of its fourth groundwater monitoring/sampling activities and is scheduled to submit an amended Part 213 Closure Report to EGLE by June 2022.

The problem has not been formally resolved, but ERG has performed the needed investigation requested by EGLE and we anticipate formal closure of the release during Summer 2022.