Ontario County Landfill

Stanley, NY


Ontario County Landfill is an active municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill located at an approximately 389-acre development with a single stream material recycling facility (MRF). 

Odor reduction from leachate ponds with an open surface was a challenge due to limitations in mixing and transportation of odor causing substances at the water surface.

ERG provided consulting services to mitigate hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emission from two leachate lagoons at the Ontario County Landfill. ERG designed a H2S mitigation system that utilizes a mixing mechanism which was created by coarse bubbles. The mixing mechanism which mimics a clarifier moves a few million gallons of leachate eliminating persistent anoxic zones that could create H2S via anerobic digestion. Chemical oxidation is utilized to oxidize H2S in the raw leachate at strategic locations. Bioaugmentation has been conducted in the two lagoons with the objective of sludge reduction. The combination of the biological, physical, and chemical processes has been effective in mitigating H2S under various alkaline and temperature conditions. The H2S mitigation system implemented at the lagoons currently removes more than 99% of the H2S from the leachate while keeping the ambient H2S concentration in the near vicinity generally at or below 10 parts per billion (ppb).

In addition to odor mitigation, ERG assisted the landfill with general leachate quality evaluation, H2S emission estimates at the lagoons, and evaluating discharge options for leachate.



Leachate quality evaluation

Odor mitigation in leachate lagoons

Discharge strategies